I have been wanting hair extensions for as long as I can remember, which is basically since birth (lol). My hair has always been on the thin side, and even…
Fourth of July Sales to hit up!
Happy Wednesday Happy Hump Day Happy Fourth of July eve! Fourth of July is always one of my favorite holidays. First of all, Hello Summer! Growing up, we vacationed in…
June Best Sellers
Well it is hard to believe that July is already here but I’m excited! We have lots of fun things on the horizon and July and August are always my…
Eyelash Extensions Q&A
My journey with eyelash extensions began last October, and from the very first appointment, I was hooked. I had been contemplating getting them done for a while, but one day…
New Nordstrom Markdowns – Stock up for Summer
Nordstrom is one of my longest standing favorite retailers. I always know that when I’m making a purchase at Nordstrom, I am getting a quality item. I also know that…